With ever increasing demands from guests to stream video, keep in touch with friends and family on platforms like Skype or Facetime, post updates and photos on social media, research something, check in on smart home technology or keep in touch with the office, having the right Public Wi-Fi is paramount to providing the best possible guest experience.

These days every ‘destination’ needs a high performance public Wi-Fi solution that will support these ever-increasingrequirements. Allowing to benfit from a fast and stable connection with easy login, the ability to move around the premises without loosing connection, no coverage blackspots and the ability to enjoy safe, legal and family friendly web access.

Naturally WiVert Public Wi-Fi provides all of these features. But there is so much more to guest Wi-Fi than just providing an Internet connection.

This is where WiVert are different, because for us public Wi-Fi is all about working with our customers to not only provide a superior technological Wi-Fi solution for your guests, but just as importantly, to work with you to deliver a raft of powerful business benefits to help you meet head-on today’s challenges, by leveraging the technology to – amongst other things – increase dwell time and spend and systematically improve your online reputation on review platforms like TripAdvisor.

Here are just some of the things we help our customers in the hospitality sector achieve:-

  • Once your system is installed, we are also there as your ongoing marketing partner to allow you to reap the benefits of your investment, by sending out your desired mailshots, updating your splash pages with your latest offers and of course to provide any technical support you need; all of which is free of charge.
  • Keep in touch with anyone who has ever logged onto your guest Wi-Fi: whether they are a one-off guest or a regular visitor/member, you can directly engage with them with relevant, personalised content: one key way to increase future direct bookings.
  • Systematically improve your TripAdvisor ratings, by capturing more positive feedback.
  • Vastly increase your social media reach, by leveraging your guests and visitors as social advocates.

We understand that every business is different, and that’s why we work closely with our customers to tailor the system to their exact requirements. At WiVert, we are all about forging long-term partnership relationships with our customers, which includes our remote and proactive monitoring process, ensuring that in the unlikely event of a problem, we know about it and fix it before your guests are impacted. In addition your dedicated Technical Account Manager at WiVert will work with you to get the very best from your Public Wi-Fi.