Paul Proctor, Managing Director of EcoPure Waters, shows how operators are meeting the demand for healthier, non-alcoholic drinks by providing delicious chilled drinking water. 

 A strong soft drinks offering is vital for success.  And, for adults in particular, there is a move away from soft drinks that may be perceived to be aimed at children – sweet and fizzy!  Market data shows that low- and no-calorie beverages now account for 65.3% of the total soft drinks market.  This change in consumer demand has been good for bottled water, with sales up by 4.9% in 2018 and a 21.2% share of the total soft drinks market.

Many organisations are turning to mains water filtration systems that create an endless supply of chilled still and sparkling drinking water for serving in reusable, own-brand glass bottles.  There is a wide range of equipment sizes to suit the volumes of water used by different operations.  There are bespoke, built-in systems for larger premises or ready-to-go counter-top units for smaller operations, all quick and easy to install either in the kitchen or front-of-house.

Serving filtered water in your own-brand bottles keeps your name and logo on the table right in front of your customers at all times; a much better option than promoting someone else’s brand of bought-in bottled water.  Customising the bottle also provides you with an opportunity to explain your sustainability agenda and credentials to your customers, which helps enhance your brand value and build customer loyalty to your responsible business.

margin-wise, a filtration system benefits your organisation because the cost per litre is much less than buying in bottled water.  Standalone systems are now available costing just £3.70 per day.  So, if you spend more than this on bought-in bottled water – around 5-6 litres daily – then you’ll be saving money from the outset.

  They’re also saving money and improving sustainability by installing in-house water filtration systems

Filtering your own water reduces waste by eliminating single-use, bought-in plastic bottles from your organisation.  This is an ideal alternative to expensive, environmentally damaging bought-in bottled water, which also saves the organisation money and improves sustainability.  Multi-use glass bottles have a number of environmental benefits over bought-in water in single-use bottles; they can eliminate single-use plastic bottles; they have a lower carbon footprint over their lifetime; they remove the need for waste and recycling; they have zero landfill potential; and they reduce food miles.

EcoPure Waters: Telephone: 01844 290 088 Website: