Easy- come, easy-bake M&J Seafood crumble top cod loins 

M&J Seafood’s MSC crumble-topped cod loins offer a modern twist on a classic pie without the preparation time or labour costs.

The sustainably caught, skinned and boned cod, topped with light mashed potato and hard cheese, comes in its own ‘Easy-Bake’ paper packet that goes straight into the oven. The result is a contemporary dish with traditional flavours that saves time on preparation and presentation but still looks great when it leaves the kitchen. The cod is MSC certified, responsibly sourced and sustainable, while the ‘Easy Bake’ concept is patented and exclusive to M&J Seafood. The skinless and boneless loins are supplied frozen, ready to bake, in packs of 20, and weigh between 170g-200g per loin.

For more information, or for details of other items in the extensive M&J Seafood range, visit www.mjseafood.com or call 01296 610600.